The Perry Mason Database

This database contains the names of the actors in the Perry Mason TV series along with their episodes and roles. It also contains their Internet Movie Database link and, where available, birth and death dates. You will find this data displayed in interesting ways on this site. If you have any ideas for use of the database on the site, please let us know.

There are 1902 unique actors in the database. Of these, 631 are female (33.2%) and 1271 are male (66.8%). There are 7 actors who have alternate names. See Credits Anomalies for information about these actors. There are 72 actors who have names that are sometimes spelled slightly differently. These variant names are shown in the Actors Lists with applicable episodes flagged by an asterisk. Names shown in the Cast Lists are as they appear in the episode credits. Note that only 1732 actors have birth dates and 1481 have death dates in the database. Actors without these dates are necessarily excluded from date-related tables.

#21 Leonard Bell

Interactive 1: Birth and Death By Date

Enter numbers for the desired Month and Day and click Submit or use the "next/previous" buttons. Click the to go to the actor's Actor Page. Click the actor's name to go to the actor's IMDb page. Mouse over the for an episode list. Mouse over the for a picture. Note: JavaScript must be enabled. Mouse over the picture at the right for the episode number from whence it came and the actor's name. The picture was randomly chosen from those available for this date.

Month:  Day:      

4 Actors Born on February 16

Name Born Died Age
Actor Page George Neise pic Feb 16, 1917 Apr 14, 1996 79
Actor Page Leonard Bell pic Feb 16, 1924 Aug 18, 1995 71
Actor Page Paul Sorensen Feb 16, 1926 Jul 17, 2008 82
Actor Page Judith Braun pic Feb 16, 1930 95

2 Actors Died on February 16

Name Born Died Age
Actor Page Jesslyn Fax pic Jan 2, 1893 Feb 16, 1975 82
Actor Page Kenneth Patterson pic Aug 3, 1911 Feb 16, 1990 78