
The final line in this episode belongs to Perry. He says, “We are all glad, Hamilton.“ Could Raymond Burr actually be referring obliquely to the fact that everyone is glad that William Talman is back? Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 7/24/2009.

I agree. Everything you read about Burr stresses his loyalty to his friends. He used his considerable influence to cast some of his pals from his radio days, many of whom had trouble finding work. There is a lovely quote from Ray Collins about how Burr was always the first to lend a hand when someone was in trouble. Must have been quite a guy. DOD 10/15/20

Gertie has a few lines in this episode. I always look forward to an episode where Gertie gets to speak. Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 7/29/2009.
+ Legal FIFO? Not only does she have a line, I believe it's a line we've never heard before (or will again): "Mr. Mason has gone home for the evening." I can imagine Della being the last one in the office, but Gertie ? Notcom 041124.

This is one of my favorite episodes. As usual the supporting cast is superlative. Helen Brown turns in a fantastic performance as Mrs. Hollister. Philip Ober and Robert Casper are especially good, too. Submitted by billp, 9 November 2009.
+ This is a good one, with the feel of a genuine Gardner story line (although it is not). Vaughn Taylor conveys the quiet but growing terror of having made an enormous mistake that has spun out of control. JohnK, 7 October 2015
++ This drama is not Vaughn Taylor's first dramatic turn with a large batch of missing currency: In Psycho, from a year earlier I think, he played the owner of the real estate company from which Janet Leigh nicked $40,000. JohnK, 1 November 2021

++ The cast is also fortified by the presence of Cathy O'Donnell, as spooky chick Norma Brooks in the thrall of dirtball Lloyd Farrell. She played supporting roles in some award-winning films of the 1940s and 1950s, and starred in a few classic films noirs as well. She is one of the few actresses in the PM harem that can cry her own tears. Like so many actresses of the day she died young, at just 46 in 1970, although from illness rather than some sort of excess. JohnK, 6 October 2015.

Why was Ralph Duncan working alone? With all of that perhaps-valuable property to inventory, why not have a second person to help? The job would get done in half the time, and there could also be less of an opportunity for someone to pocket any nice items. (With a second person, the episode could have ended after 4 minutes, but in real life does a government leave someone alone to do the inventory?) Submitted by (lowercase, with a comma and period) masonite, 02/04/19.

Those greenbacks: Don’t know how it was in the late 1950s, but today I’d guess those greenbacks would be worth more to a collector than their face value. Trading them in at par would probably cost you money. Submitted by billp, 9 November 2009.

Robert Casper looks a little bit like Sean Penn when he smiles, at times. Submitted by gracep, 11/01/2010.

Some of the direction in this episode really stands out. Notable: the discussion outside the murder house with Tragg, Mason and Duncan (really well done), the Mason/Drake restaurant scene where Mason places a comforting hand on Paul’s right arm and smiles, and when Tragg discovers the knife box. Submitted by cgraul, 10/4/2011.

When both Burger and Mason are handling the knife in court, we see that the blade--incredibly--is still streaked with blood! Could you imagine such cavalier handling of a bloody object today? Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 9/22/2013.

+ This is similar to a scene in the 1949 novel The Case of the Lonely Heiress:
[Deputy D.A. Hanover] opened a small handbag, removed a box and approached the witness stand. From the box he removed a knife, stained and encrusted with dried blood.
"Lieutenant Tragg, I'll ask you if you ever saw this knife before."
"Yes, I have seen that knife before. I can identify it because it has my initials scratched on the handle...At the time I found it, it was in exactly the same condition as it now appears, except that some of the encrusted blood stains on the blade have been subjected to chemical tests in the police laboratory." Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 10/13/13.

I've always wondered what is the point of having a gavel if the judge is just going to tap his pen/pencil or his finger(!) to command the room's attention. Surely the gavel would do a better job. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 7/20/14.

If you look closely you'll see that the judge didn't have a gavel. For some reason since early in season 3 after episode 73 TCOT Blushing Pearls none of the judges had a gavel. Submitted by H. Mason 11/5/14

The prolific Philip Ober is best known for his brief but key role as Lester Townsend in 'North by Northwest'. This episode has it all. Hamilton is back, Gertie makes a brief but welcome appearance, and we get some real courtroom drama, including a terrific confession. Another show that ends with several people facing charges - Brooks, Keller, Cousin Charley and, alas, our defendant Ralph Duncan. DODay 9/06/17

How did Tragg and Brice get to the Boden house (when Tragg found the knife case)? No police car was parked out front so they must have walked. Kilo 12/13/2019.

Spoiler Warning! Do Not Read Below If You Have Not Seen The Episode

What's her name?: Why wasn't Mrs. Hollister's first name mentioned? This was another story where one of the main 3 characters (defendant - victim - killer) wasn't given a complete name. Submitted by H. Mason 11/5/14

Questions: Did anything happen to Mr. Duncan for removing the money from the house? What happened to Norma Brooks for planting the money with Mr. Ames and getting him to write the will? What happened to Charley for his thefts? What happened to Mr. Keller for his part in the phony inheritance and withholding evidence about Duncan's innocence? As I have mentioned in the comment section of other episodes I find it a bit frustrating that the fate of some of the perpetrators of other crimes are not discussed in the final scene. Submitted by H. Mason 11/5/14

For the answer to these and other questions, tune in next week, same time, same channel. DOD 10/01/19
> Ha!Ha! of course one of the attributes of PM - and of most TV shows, really - is the total lack of continuity between episodes (The David Gideon shows being somewhat of an exception in that a minor plot element was repeated); there's no mystery as to why: the broadcast order would be rigidly set, and the frequent reappearance of actors playing different roles might have been even more obvious - or awkward - than it is already. But it also, IMHO, bolsters the perception that PM isn't a real person as much as someone's day dream...a second rate lawyer imagining his more successful alter-ego. Notcom 100119