From the check Perry gives Elaine Barton, we see he is banking at Los Angeles Trust and Savings at 6th and Main. Perry’s office is (really) at 550 S. Flower Street at Sixth. Look here, and here. So, I guess, the bank is relatively close to that locale. It’s even closer, I think, to 561 S. Spring where the Los Angeles Trust and Savings building is located. See here, and here. The check is re: Robert Finchley Acct. It’s for $500.00. That’s about $3,675.17 today. We also see Perry’s signature. Is this the only time we see it in the series? The check is dated 5/10. N.b., the detective report from Apex on Elaine Barton is also dated May. Submitted by billp 1/1/2009.
+ Did Perry ask for a refund from Elaine since Mr. Argyle was not the driver of the car that hit Robert Finchley? Added by H. Mason 10/1/14
The $3500 settlement that Finchley gets from Bates and Argyle would be about $25,726.21 today. Later on, Bates wants his contribution, $2500, back. That $2500 is worth about $18,375.87. The $76.41 that Robert Finchley has in the bank would be $561.64 today. Submitted by billp 1/1/2009.
Argyle stole $187,000 from the company. That would be about $1,374,514.71 today. Submitted by billp 1/1/2009.
It is implied throughout the show that Sheila Cromwell is in love with Ross Hollister, and Kipp Hamilton says as much to Mr. Hollister. However when Sheila is on the witness stand you can clearly see she is wearing a wedding band, and Perry continually refers to her as Mrs. Cromwell. Maybe she was a widow, however you would think if she were serious about Ross Hollister, she would take off the ring. Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 14 May 2009.
+ Kipp clearly says that Sheila is a “rich widow“ in the early poolside scene. Submitted by katest 4/27/2011.
++ Sheila also testifies about Ross: "Before my husband died, he brought him into the business." Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 7/09/12.
Was Perry Mason sponsored by an instant coffee company? Elaine specifically mentioned that she was making instant coffee and Perry commented that it was good. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 7/09/12.
+ He actually said it was "it was good, too," alluding to the "fine performance" he also thanked her for. It was more a comment on her credibility than product placement, especially since there was no brand visible or mentioned. Submitted by francis, 5/17/13
++ They wouldn't have to show or mention the brand. When Welch's Grape Juice sponsored The Flintstones Pebbles would be offered grape juice by Wilma. Although no brand was mentioned it was obviously supposed to be Welch's because of the visible sponsor. The point wasn't Perry's response but that it was emphasized that it was instant coffee in the first place. Submitted by Wiseguy70005, 5/19/13.
+++ I think that was mentioned because she had just awoken and hadn't time to make regular coffee. The thrust of Perry's remark was his disbelief of her "performance." Submitted by francis, 6/04/14.
Did Perry change Ties between his office & her apartment? Mike Bedard 4.14.15
This episode marks the first appearance of one of my favorite recurring Perry Mason character actors--Harry Jackson. Although he usually plays shady characters, there is something likable about him. His acting seems effortless and natural, as if he's not acting at all. Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 18 April 2014.
+ Henry Conrad Jackson (1923-73) has 46 IMDb Actor credits;
his 7 Perry appearances were his last: Cautious Coquette ('58), SARDONIC SERGEANT/my Favorite episode, Jaded Joker, Wary Wildcatter, Provocative Protege, Poison Pen-Pal & Velvet Claws ('63). Blackmail was the MODUS OPERANDI of his characters. Mike Bedard 4.14.15
There were a few shows with juries, but the cost became an impediment, so the show hewed to the book's idea of the "preliminary hearing."
Of course, the hearings are absurd in the show; in actual life, a court may have a dozen prelims in a day to get through (most arrests in state courts are without an indictment), and these drawn - out dramas in PM taking days just to determine (a) whether a crime has been committed and (b) whether there is probable cause to hold defendant for trial, would never be tolerated. cgraul 8.2.2016
+ "Cost" is the oft-given reason why so few PM's featured a jury, but I suspect that is something of an urban legend: the producers, after all, never minded the cost of the extras filling the spectator's gallery, even though that contributes nothing to the show, and is not plausible (except for the more celebrated defendants); nor is actually showing a jury necessary, since they can be presumed to be just outside of camera range (though this requires careful framing of shots); and many/most of the books themselves were juryless, even though, obviously, there is no cost at all involved for a book. I think the real reason for the reliance on prelims was their relatively relaxed nature - whether real or just perceived - and the greater freedom this afforded for, as Hamilton would say, Perry's "parlour tricks". Proposed by Notcom, 080316.
I noticed the full room of spectators in the court. So the cost of extras didn't seem to be an issue, at least in this episode. Surely they could have alluded to a jury, or shown a shot from behind the jury box, showing the back of 5-6 jurors who could later be courtroom spectators. But I suppose the preliminary hearing also would give a reason why the case was being heard so soon after the murder. And Perry's cases never need a jury--he always solves the crime and gets a confession.--yelocab 01NOV19
+ It was established several times in the show that Perry is a famous attorney in Los Angeles. Perhaps his hearings are far better attended by spectators than those of other attorneys. People want to watch him break someone down on the witness stand, just like we do. submitted by vgy7ujm 16 January 2021.
++ If these hearings had juries, they'd all end in mistrials. --Vladimir Estragon 080624
I believe that filming most of these shows as hearings without a jury had more to do with camera placement. As the set is designed, any jury would be in the way of the action. DOD 06/09/20
One of my top ten episodes, with a tidy plot, satisfying villain and victim (well, one of them), and always welcome appearances by Harry Jackson and the marvelous Virginia Gregg. As usual, there are a few questions: How did our killer know Hollister had a key to Elaine's apartment? How did he arrange to kill Harry there, and with Elaine's gun? Why the elaborate ruse of putting that license number in Elaine’s address book? And wouldn't Sheila have been very concerned at no reply to her many telegrams to Hollister?
Mrs Cromwell changes hats but not her dress between her appearances on the witness stand. Those corner knick-knack shelves in Elaine’s apt, as well as the wall hung one by the door, would become some of the most used props in the series. DOD 05 18 18
+ Actually, she does change dresses. The first one actually appears to be a suit; the top is open at the neck with a tie at the bustline and a blouse underneath. The next morning she's in a dress, with a mandarin-ish collar, that buttons all the way up to the neck. There are other details as well, but no need to go on . . OLEF641 10/22/2020
Boy, Perry's behaviour in the early seasons is so much rougher and less proper than in the later ones! I find it shocking that he would use that key sent to him anonymously to enter someone's apartment under those circumstances. And he didn't seem a bit concerned when he found that gun in her drawer. This is the hard-boiled world of the novels! Submitted by JazzBaby, 7/5/2019.
+ And the title "Mr." is often missing in the early episodes. It's "Mason" or "Burger" not "Mr. Mason", in conversations. Joe B. 12/20/2019
Time flies, but doesn't speak IMHO this episode could have benefitted greatly from a title card ("One Week Later"), or perhaps the old standby of a montage of flipping calendar pages, after the pool scene. Specifically the audience would understand that the accident - and all that relates to it - hasn't happened yet. The way the scenes are run together, the impression is just the opposite. (This may have been deliberate, as it contributes to the element of surprise during the trial, but it strikes me as not quite playing fair). Notcom 110521.
+ In the very first scene after the pool scene we see Harry calling Elaine and he says "your week is up" indicating the week he gave her earlier has passed. Wiseguy70005, 2/22/24.

Too Clever for your own good, Steven tells Sheila, and then promptly finds the tables turned (PM would later introduce us to the phrase "Hoisted by his own petard" to describe such situations). But here his problem seems to be not so much the usual trope of fixating on minutiae (but still missing something crucial), as much as a general dumbness: rather than simply making an anonymous call, he chooses to involve in his ruse someone he denies knowing, yet who is connected to him in two separate ways (as the girlfriend of his business partner AND the wife of his employee). And of course his whole elaborate alibi scheme serves little purpose, since he has earlier done something that prevented an exact determination of time of death...he dumped the body in the ocean. Notcom, 052719.
When Harry tips the doorman, he says "you should use it to buy a memory card," which brings to mind the SD cards used in digital cameras these days. Wonder what he meant by "memory card"... --yelocab 01NOV19
+ He actually says "memory course" but kinda throws the line away, so "course" is not too clearly said and somewhat muffled by the crackling of the paper bag. OLEF641 10/22/2020
Perry seems optimistic that a murder of in LA would appear in Canadian newspapers. (When told that a man--who might be interested that there was a murder--was in Canada, he replies: "There are no newspapers in Canada?")--yelocab 01NOV19
+ This line is especially funny to me because it was spoken by the Canadian-born Raymond Burr. Submitted by catyron,November 20, 2020.
When the insurance man tells the guy in the hospital: "Do you know what this accident could cost my company?" I wondered, isn't that what insurance companies do? Pay someone who is injured in an accident? --yelocab 01NOV19
Did we ever find out whose print was on the gun? In the novel, it was Mason's who handled the gun as he also does in this episode. One can assume it was the murderer's print but I don't think it was explicitly stated. Wiseguy70005, 2/22/24.