
When Perry is asked "do you know how to tell if someone is dead?" I was hoping Perry would respond, "Well yes, I do. In fact, I find a dead body almost every week." cgraul 1.4.21

Though not the most dynamic, this episode strikes me as one of the better-plotted and therefore pleasing ones. All of the characters behave consistently, Perry doesn’t have to pull any previously unknown facts out of his hat at the last minute, and the audience doesn’t have to figure out any puzzling loose ends at the finale. Submitted by Ed Zoerner, 3/18/2011.

I agree. A rare show that did not have me scratching my head saying “That doesn’t make sense!” DOD 08/08/19

I guess Mr. Bushmiller didn't get his Rowing Merit Badge in Boy Scouts. Every Scout is taught that you don't try to bring someone into the side of the boat. If you put the weight of the swimmer, plus the weight of the rescuer, on the side of the rowboat, it's virtually guaranteed to turn over. You are taught to always row back up to the victim. The rear of the boat is wider and more stable. I noticed that the scene cut away from the side-of-the-boat rescue attempt before Briggs tried to go up and over the side of the boat. Good for him that they "cut" at that point, as it would have been virtually impossible to get in the boat from that angle. Submitted by Paul's Operative. 2/15/2024.

+Without giving anything away, this is a rare episode in which at least three people other than the defendant have no alibi. So, there is no need for Perry to pull any unknown facts since it seems that just about anyone could've done it. Submitted by Kenmore 8/10/2021

In this episode Fay Wray demonstrates why she is one of the most gifted yet underrated actresses. She delivers an Emmy-worthy performance. Submitted by francis, 2/29/12.

The mysterious Raphael O'Connor. Some interesting history regarding the Irish in South America. Submitted by Mason Jar 5/8/2012

Fay Wray wrote a memoir with the delicious title, "On the Other Hand". Too bad they didn’t get Robert Armstrong as her costar. DOD 08/08/19

Another story with questions about the future of some of the characters. What happened to Fred Bushmiller? With Lorna dead, what happened to Harriet Snow and Dennis Briggs? Did they get proceeds from the lake property? Was Betty entitled to any of the estate? Submitted by H. Mason 10/23/14

“For the answer to these and other questions, tune in next week, same time, same channel.”

Sunset Similarities? This story has many elements in common with Sunset Boulevard, the acclaimed film from 1950. I'm a writer, although not a screenwriter, and it bugs me that the PM people borrowed so freely from the hard-won ideas of others. I wonder what the reviews said at the time. JohnK, 17 December 2015

Well, I wouldn't get yourself too upset by the 'borrowing' of ideas. Back in those days, it was considered to be more of a compliment, NOT plagiarism; ESPECIALLY when the show was as popular as PM. I guarantee that, had it been considered, in any way, to be plagiarism, there would've been a major lawsuit, and PM would never have made it 9 seasons. To put it simply, the 'borrowing' was deliberate, and appreciated. By making viewers think of Sunset Boulevard, they renewed people's interest in the movie, causing them to watch it again... Submitted by Arisia, 02/20/18
+ There are a few similarities--an aging, overly dramatic star looking for comeback (although she looks great! --- "Not a comeback, It's a return, a return!"); a man who stands by her and supports her even though they are both broke (Norma in SB was not broke); a young man coming to live at her house and leech off her (although in this episode he was blackmailing her). That's where the similarities end. --yelocab 19DEC18

I think the connection is a bit of a stretch, especially since a decade separates this show from “Boulevard”. DOD 08/21/20

Classic Line (said by Bushmiller to Briggs) "It's just not your day to be murdered, that's all"...oh that only more people could hear that !! Notcom, 110417.
Brings to my mind the line “You were born to be hanged”. Rickapolis 09/06/21