
In the early scene where Herbie asks Millie for some money, look at the wallet that she pulls out of her desk. It’s a man’s wallet! Seems kind of odd, her being a lady and all that. A slip-up by the property master perhaps. Submitted by D. A. Supernaw, 9/21/2005.
+ The Case of the Terrible Wife: Millie is a real floozy - I wouldn't call her a lady. JohnK, 9 February 2018.

Susan Bay makes her only Perry appearance here playing Millie Cornwall. Since 1989 Ms. Bay has been the wife of Mr. Spock, a.k.a Leonard Nimoy. Submitted by PaulDrake 33, 14 October 2009.

+ Susan Bay also went on to play a Star Trek role: Admiral Rollman in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the "Past Prologue" and "Whispers" episodes. Submitted by MyFavoritePolarBear, 12/1/22.

Steve Ihnat played would be galaxy conqueror Garth in the 1969 Star Trek episode "Whom Gods Destroy." Mike Bedard 2.7.15.

+ Star Trek Alert: There are no fewer than three other Perry alums besides Ihnat in the "Whom Gods Destroy" episode. Yvonne Joyce Craig, who appeared in TCOT Lazy Lover, is the green space babe Marta (Craig also played Batgirl, of course, without the green makeup). Keye Luke portrays Governor Donald Cory (he appeared in two Perry episodes). And Dick Gary, who plays a lunatic Andorian, appeared in 13 Perry episodes. There are only six guest stars in the Garth episode, four of them appeared in Perry's courtroom back on earth. A planet of Perry graduates. Submitted by MyFavoritePolarBear, 12/1/22.

In 1960, David Lewis (A. K. Dudley) played in The Apartment along with Fred McMurray, Jack Lemmon, Shirley McLain, among others. jfh 30Jul2019.

As Perry Mason makes a phone call from Dudley’s office during a critical moment of the show, in the background we can clearly see a reproduction of A Girl with a Watering Can (1876) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Submitted by gracenote, 5/16/2011.
+ That print is one of the most frequently used props, appearing in dozens of episodes, including the previous “Gambling Lady”. Also look for that door with the three carved panels, the elaborately carved staircase set, the screen with the elongated stars, the sconce with pierced metal cones, the starburst wall sconce, etc. The set designers were a very thrifty bunch. DOD 04/13/21

Refurbished Rolodex: For fans of stationery supplies -- At 3:20 on the DVD, in Millie's office, there is a single wheel basic Rolodex with a frame of steel tubing on top of a filing cabinet. By 5:27, however, it has transformed itself into a double wheel model, with the EMP shielding and crinkle paint. During that scene there was a lot of jumpy editing. JohnK, 9 February 2018
+ The two scenes -- one at 3:20 and the other at 6:20 -- are terrible. The tubular Rolodex, a stamp-pad spinner-holder, and a cloth-covered adding machine are on top of the cupboard at first. Then the small Rolodex is on Millie's desk, the stamp-pad holder has disappeared, the adding machine is coverless, and the giant duplex Rododex with the crinkle-painted case is on top of the cupboard. The set decorator is new this week. It was Carl Biddiscombe for a long, long, long time -- this week it is Dorcy W. Howard. As for the jumpy editing, there were two HORRIBLE cuts in the middle of the kissing scene, a scene which should have been a straight through shot. It was amateurish! Long-time film editor Richard H. Cahoon, A.C.E. was replaced this week by Al Clark, A.C.E. What a mess! Submitted by catyron, July 12th, 2018
++ TCOT Capering Office Supplies ?? And, I'm guessing, the cuts were to replace the bit in the middle with a bit from a take where the middle was better, but the two ends not so good, which only became obvious in the post-production stage, when it was too late to reshoot OLEF641 8/26/21

Sightings: The janitor who walks past Paul Drake’s office door and begins mopping in front of the elevator is none other than Distinguished Gentleman #1—sans toupée. He looks annoyed when twice Herbie walks through where he has just mopped. Later the Gentleman, hairpiece re-donned, turns up in the courtroom gallery, along with Pencil Mustache Man and Quiet Old Man #1. Submitted by gracenote, 5/16/2011.
+ That might be Little Old Lady #2 also in the courtroom. She is wearing a large hat. Read more about all these favorite frequent faces, if you please. Submitted by gracenote, 9/5/2011.

Murder Method: Millie Cornwall was the tenth current murder victim that was strangled. Submitted by H. Mason 5/1/15

Brent Building: Another tenant was introduced, Paul's neighbor, the Kushy-Walky arch supports business. Submitted by H. Mason 5/1/15

Business For Perry: Paul sent another person suspected of murder to Perry Mason. This was the fifteenth time Mr. Drake sent either a client or acquaintance to the lawyer. Submitted by H. Mason 5/1/15

This is the only PM directing credit for James Goldstone, who would direct the "Ironside" television movie in 1967...MikeM. 2/28/2017

This is the third of three PM writing credits for writer/producer Philip Saltzman, who was born in Mexico to Russian-Jewish parents...MikeM. 3/6/2018

This is the only PM appearance for Martin West (Herbie Cornwall), who also had a single appearance on "Ironside". Martin West's last IMDb Filmography role was in 1990. Martin West is now 80 years old...MikeM. 7/10/2018

This is the fourth of seven PM appearances for Don Dubbins. He also played Deputy D.A. Vincent (in two separate episodes), Asst. D.A. Bill Vincent, Ned Bertell, Kenneth Dalgran, and Hartley Elliott. jfh 30Jul2019.

Dubbins joins H.M. Wynant and Walter Burke in having played prosecutors and suspects in various episodes. DOD 04/13/21

The Case of the West Bend Thermo Serv: As has been the case now for a while, the ugly plastic West Bend Thermo Serv carafe and mugs have replaced the china ware Curious Coffee Set of many years .standing .. and Della no longer pours or serves coffee. They all just help themselves to stale thermos coffee from the repulsive plastic carafe. What a come-down. Submitted by catyron, July 12th, 2018

General Hospital alert- Both Martin West and David Lewis were in the soap 'General Hospital' Mr. West as one of the Dr. Phil Brewers (#5 according to IMDB) 1969-1974 and Mr. Lewis as one of the better known Edward Quartermaines 1979-1993. Bizyfe0415 5/15/2023