
One of the funniest episodes in the series. Hilarity begins from the first scene. Two men in the process of a robbery are silently removing items through a window. Suddenly, one of the men carelessly crashes a large box through a window. The noise it makes is significant (and hilarious). They race away, but instead of remaining inconspicuous, they squeal their tires and almost run down a woman on the street. These are two of the least competent thieves we've ever seen on the show, maybe anywhere. Then we have Dr Stuart who yells at everybody in a lame attempt at trying to channel Lee J Cobb. Doesn't matter what is said to him, his response is always to bellow angrily. At one point, he starts slamming objects loudly on a desk, throws a bottle through a mirror, and screams in a delivery man's face. If someone said this was a werewolf movie, it would all make sense. Then there's the melodramatic wife who is causing her husband stress, but is oblivious to everything except their planned trip. Comical the way she was flitting around the office babbling about the trip while her husband is very obviously upset. Of course, the wife never seems to notice it until he explodes at her. Her solution to his problems is to make it about her. He's talking about real issues he's having and all she can do is talk about her previous drinking habits. Mrs Stuart was ridiculously chewing up the scenery every time we saw her. At one point, she grabs Dr Stuart's suit jacket roughly and asks him to hold onto her hand. By 1963, this kind of ham-handed acting was being replaced by more realistic acting. Apparently, nobody told Joan Tetzel. Luckily, the performance of Lloyd Corrigan as Harvey Forrest saved the day. A real pro. I believed everything he said when he testified. Very good job. Aside from that, this entire episode had me in stitches. DellaMason

While I get how Tobin could profit from theft of the books, it wasn't clear how they thought Dr Stuart was in on it. It was his school so why should he even need to go through all that? If he was really in on it, why would he even need to rig phony invoices for the stolen books? Couldn't he just pocket whatever money was made for the school anyway? As a business owner, don't you have the right to bleed your own company dry?

Perry makes a great point about the law: “Mr. Baxter, I remind you, the law helps the vigilant before those who sleep on their rights.” Submitted by gracenote, 2/17/2011.
+ Vigilantibus Et Non Dormientibus Jura Subveniunt [Latin:] the law assists those that are vigilant with their rights, and not those that sleep thereupon.
++ Ironically, Perry makes the point in seeking dismissal on the grounds that a confession was made without advice of counsel ! (I will confess I didn't particularly care for this episode: I don't know if it was the [greater-than-usual] legal latitude Perry is given, technical implausibilities in the 'home' movie, or just a pathological dislike for Milton Seltzer, but the requisite happy ending would have had me rolling my eyes..if they hadn't been drooping closed already). Notcom, 052119.
Actually, I think Perry’s argument is that a confession is meaningless unless there is evidence a crime has been committed. Without such evidence, there is no crime to investigate. DOD 01/29/21
Why is this episode titled TCOT "Decadent Dean"? If he is the head of an independent secondary school, as he seems to be, then Aaron Stuart would be a Headmaster or Head of School -- possibly Principal or President. But not Dean. Submitted by HBM1043, 2/19/2014

Tobin Wade is the Decadent Dean, not Aaron Stuart. - Submitted by 10yearoldfan, 9 March 2014.

Location Names: Any relation between Cliffside Resort seen in this story and Cliffside Heights from episode 179 TCOT Skeleton's Closet? Submitted by H. Mason 2/23/15

SHERIFF is a BLENDED word: The King of England appointed a REEVE to administer a SHIRE/County (SHIRE + REEVE = SHERIFF) [Webster's Unabridged Dictionary]. Mike Bedard 2.27.15.

H.M. Wynant has the distinction of having played victim, murderer, suspect, and prosecutor in various episodes. The whole web of deceit, thefts, and murder could have been prevented by the very simple and logical real estate arrangement described at the end. During that terrific confession, we learn our victim was first struck with a log. Surely there would have been some evidence of that in the wound? DODay 12/22/17

Legends of the Fall so what were the "technical difficulties" in the film-within-a-film that we see in the episode?? Quite simply that the upward shot that forms its raison d'être would have been impossible to obtain (it's possible, I suppose that such could have been obtained from a boat - assuming a calm surf - but there would still be considerable agitation in the footage). A similar issue marred an earlier episode - tho the issue there was really more about continuity - and one has to wonder if these are plot devices that seemed to make sense when appearing in a book, but which fall apart when they're actually attempted. Notcom 061521.