
Irony or Lazy Writing Amy Jo claims Jazbo was upset with her because he found out she had money. Jazbo lived in a beach house in one of the most expensive areas in Los Angeles. Even small Malibu houses sell for millions of dollars.

Location: About halfway through this episode, Della is on the phone with Paul in his car. Paul is driving south on Malibu Road. He has just passed the old Vet Clinic and is heading toward Webb Way. The Malibu Colony is just to his right. If you would like to see photos of a very similar scene go to Episode #201, TCOT Frightened Fishermen. Posted by Eric Cooper and Linda Shockley, 8/3/2009.

Location: About 6 minutes into the episode, Jazbo gives Amy Jo a ride home. He turns off Santa Monica Blvd and continues north on 1100 North Orange Grove Ave in West Hollywood. In the background you can see over Jazbo and Amy Jo's heads the 7836 and sign of the Hollywood Used Clothing store on Santa Monica Blvd (now Chevra Kadisha Mortuary.) If you Google-map 1102 North Orange Grove West Hollywood and then reverse the angle, you will see approximately the same view as you get in the episode. Also you can zoom in for a closer look. This location is a few blocks from Plummer Park featured in Episode #101. Submitted by Eric Cooper, 19 August 2010. Some pictures here.

Lee Meriweather had been crowned Miss America in 1955. jfh 17Feb2017.

Goof: The lettering on the office door spells it “Seibring” while the credits have “Siebring.” Submitted by daveb, 11/23/2010.
+ Grammar rule:"I" before "E" except after "C"...or German rule "EI's" are "I's" and "IE's" are "E's"... ;-) Submitted by HamBurger 10/08/2016.

++Not sure grammar rules apply to surnames, which often do not follow any standard spelling rules. DM 1/24

Gary Crosby had a short, sad life. In his autobiography, he details abuse inflicted by his mother and his father, Bing Crosby, who disinherited him. He was only 62 when he died of cancer. Submitted by gracenote, 4/19/2011.

Sightings In the table way in the back of Hillbilly Haven (but somewhat elevated) is Distinguished Gentleman #1 with yet another ladyfriend. He shows up again at Bronson’s party -— but with glasses and sitting at a table by himself with his back to the camera. When the dancing starts, he’s in the back, groovin’ to the music but sans spectacles. We see him a third time at the bar, again no specs. Submitted by gracenote, 4/20/2011.
+ At the hearing we see the Gentleman again, along with Quiet Old Man #1 and Pencil Mustache Man, who is very prominent in several cutaways. He looks as pensive as he ever does. Submitted by gracenote, 4/20/2011.

Uncredited Actors: Don Anderson shows up at Bronson’s party, too, as does the distinguished Bess Flowers. (See above). One of the young men at the party is Christopher Riordan (currently on the TV show Outsourced), according to IMDb. Submitted by gracenote, 4/20/2011.

TCOT Curious Coffee Set: The Curious Coffee Set appears in Jazbo's beach house. Folk singing must pay well if he could afford beachfront Malibu property. [unsigned]
+ Jazbo Williams may live humbly, but he is chic enough to entertain with that Curious Coffee Set which turns up in many an episode of Perry Mason. Submitted by gracenote, 4/20/2011.

++Actually I think the original comment was saying Jazbo did NOT live humbly. His Malibu beach house probably would have cost close to $1 million even back then.

Once again, Ray Collins is credited for playing Lt. Tragg, but that venerable detective makes no appearance. Submitted by gracenote, 4/20/2011.

Music: When Jazbo and Amy Jo are talking at the party, the band is playing -- and people are dancing to -- rock music. I believe this is the first occurrence of rock music on Perry Mason. Is it the only one? Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 1-9-2014.
+ No, it is not the only one. Submitted by 65tosspowertrap, 2-23-2014.
++ Avenging Angel, #263, may have been the Last occurrence. Mike Bedard 4.24.15
+++ TCOT Scarlet Scandal, #261, also has rock music. Submitted by D. Tlougan, 4/28/15.

That mambo-ish tune heard at the start of the party scene is “Frenesi”, a big hit for Artie Shaw. DOD 03/26/21

IMDb notes that "Singer in Nightclubs" was 1 of Raymond William Stacey Burr's Pre-Acting jobs. Mike Bedard 3.8.15.

+It's quite possible Burr's supposed nightclub experience may be a myth. According to Wikipedia, Raymond Burr was notorious for making up conflicting stories about his past. He would say different things in every interview. Nobody was really certain about his pre-Hollywood life.

Paul's Phone: For the seventh time Paul's car phone was used. Submitted by H. Mason 4/19/15

Murder Weapon: For at least the third time a person was killed with an ashtray (episodes 4 and 78). Submitted by H. Mason 4/19/15

This is the first of two PM appearances for Bonnie Jones, who was married 1967-1976 to actor/writer/director/producer Gene Reynolds...MikeM. 2/10/2017

This is the only PM appearance for John Considine III. He is the older brother of Tim Considine and the grandson of John Considine Sr. and Alexander Pantages...MikeM. 2/16/2018

This is the first of four PM appearances for Canada-born BeBe Kelly (Starlet No.1). BeBe Kelly would later have a recurring role as Nurse Clover in 18 episodes of the television series "Trapper John, M.D."...MikeM. 6/22/2018

I presume that Jazbo Williams was named after the then very popular (and bi-coastal) Jazzbo Collins, who hosted musical variety shows on both radio and television in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles from the 1950s through the 1980s. Submitted by catyron, June 28th, 2018